Sunday 22 April 2018

One Step at a Time

"Be gone, you filth!" ~Revellers, Diary of a Muse

That line comes from a musical my teacher wrote for us in school. At the time we thought it just a funny line, but now it has meaning for me. Perhaps not the intended meaning, but meaning nonetheless.

I should be in bed, since I'm working all day tomorrow. I'm procrastinating. And I'll complain later that I don't have enough time for anything, but in reality, I'm here, typing away on my pointless blog when I should be asleep.

Here's the thing: I have an assignment due on Monday next week. It's a video and involves a "student". I'm not even going to try to explain it here, since I frankly don't understand what I'm doing as it is. Oh, and it's the same course that I failed the assignment in the other day, so I'm already playing catch-up.

But it's due Monday next week, so I have a week tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm working all day, though I may be able to get some done tomorrow night. Tuesday I have uni all day. Wednesday morning I'm working, but since it's ANZAC Day, I don't have uni, so I'll have most of the day free then. Thursday I'm busy with uni and an appointment until mid afternoon, at which point I'll have to film, since that is when my "student" is free. Friday I'm working all day again. Saturday is my stupid birthday (yay, happy 21st to me (note the sarcasm)), and though I might have the morning free, the afternoon is booked. And Sunday I'll have a few hours in the middle of the day.

The thing is, it's more than just filming. I think have to critique it, have someone else critique it, and critique someone else's video. So I cannot leave it until the last minute!

Oh, but that is completely irrelevant for me right now. Right now, I should be asleep. Right now, I shouldn't be focusing on anything other than being ready for work tomorrow. As a good friend of mine said, I need to take this one step at a time.

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